Guide for Authors

Instruction to Authors


Aims & Scope

The aim of The Iranian journal of Ruminants Health research (IJRHR) is to advance knowledge of veterinarians and improve the lives of ruminants by publishing articles about various aspects of their disease and factors affecting their health.

Iranian Journal of Ruminants Health Research (IJRHR) publishes original papers, review articles (at the request of editorial board) and short communications on various topics related to ruminants' health research, focusing on all aspects of management, herd health, metabolic diseases, internal medicine, toxicology, theriogenology, surgery, infectious diseases, hygiene, mastitis, pathology, pharmacology, clinical pathology, physiology, and biochemistry.


Submission of Manuscripts

On submission of manuscripts to the  Iranian Journal of Ruminants Health Research, please pay careful attention to the followings: (a) Manuscripts should not have been published or submitted elsewhere. (b). Duplicate submission is unethical. Do not submit manuscripts that have been accepted or are under active consideration for publication elsewhere.

.Abstracts of oral or poster presentations do not constitute previous publications. Manuscripts should be written in English language and should include summary in both English and Persian. Manuscripts should be submitted through online submission ( in the form of world file including all figures and tables. The manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter including the title of manuscript, the name and affiliations of authors, the postal and email address, telephone and Fax numbers of the corresponding authour both in English and Persion.


Structure of manuscripts

Manuscripts should include title, abstract, keywords, introduction, material & methods, results, discussion, acknowledgment, references, table, Figure and legends enumerated from the title page. For case report, presentation should include title, abstract, key works history, clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and assessments. While there are no fixed limitations to the length of an article but case reports should be limited to approximately 4 pages and must be of sufficient importance and general interest to justify accelerated publication. Reviews are by invitation only. Authors interested in preparing a review article should provide a brief outline to the editor, requesting an invitation to submit a manuscript within the scope of the journal.


Title page

 It should include title, full names of authors and their affiliations, running tittle≤50 characters, including space, full postal address, e-mail address, phone and facsimile of author to whom correspondence and reprint requester should be indicated by suitable superscripts.



The abstract should include aims, methods, results and conclusion. It should not be more than 250 words.



Indicate 4 to 5 keywords. They should be carefully selected in order to improve accessibility of scientific information in the manuscript.



An introduction should state the purpose of the investigation and relation to author works in the same fireld, but should not include an extensive review of the literature.


Material and Methods

Methods should be brief, but adequate for repetition of the work by a qualified operator. Refer to previously published procedures employed in the work by citation of both the original description and pertinent published modification.



Results may be presented in tables of figures, but many simple finding can be set forth directly in the text with no need for tables or figures. Photos and figures should be submitted separately as JPEG or tiff files.



The discussion should be concise and deal with the interpretation of the results. The conclusion section should appear after discussion.



Acknowledgements of people grants, funds, etc, should be places in separate section before the reference list; the names of funding organizations should be written in full.



Citation in references should be listed in alphabetical order. Reference cited in the text should appear parenthetically following the name(s) of the source of information, References should include, in the following order, author's name, year, article or chapter title, journal or book title, editor(s) (book only), city and country of the publishers. Volume or edition number, and address of published (book only). Journal titles should be abbreviated according to ISI Web of Science abbreviations.




Bell, AW. (1995). Regulation of organic nutrient metabolism during transition from late pregnancy to early lactation. J. Anim. Sci. 73, 9, 2804–2819.

Janovick, NA., Boisclair, YR. and Drackley, JK. (2011). Prepartum dietary energy intake affects metabolism and health during the periparturient period in primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows. J. Dairy. Sci. 94, 3, 1385–1400.



Radostits, O.M., Gay, C.C., Hinchcliff, K.W., and Constable, P.D. (2007). Veterinary Medicine: A textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. Saunders Elsevier, New York. 10th ed. PP: ….